Rust Server Control Panel Functionalities

Essential Features

Essential Features of our control panel

Our control panel offers a range of essential features that ensure smooth server management and user satisfaction.

  • User Authentication and Authorization
    • User registration and login
    • Two-factor authentication (2FA)
    • Role-based access control
  • Server Management
    • Start, stop, restart server
    • Server status monitoring (online/offline)
    • Real-time server console access
    • Scheduled tasks (automatic restarts, updates)
  • Server Configuration
    • Edit server configuration files (cfg, ini, json)
    • Mod and plugin management (install, update, remove)
    • Configurable server settings (map, player limits, game mode)
  • File Management
    • File upload/download
    • Directory browsing
    • File editing (with syntax highlighting for Rust configs)
    • Backup and restore functionality
  • Performance Monitoring
    • CPU, RAM, and disk usage
    • Network usage (bandwidth monitoring)
    • Performance logs and graphs
  • Player Management
    • Player list with current status (online/offline)
    • Ban/unban players
    • Kick players
    • Player statistics (playtime, kills, deaths)
  • Security
    • DDoS protection integration
    • Secure file transfer (SFTP)
    • Firewall settings

Advanced Features

Advanced Features of our control panel

For more experienced users, our control panel provides advanced features to enhance server management and customization.

  • Automated Updates
    • Automated game updates
    • Automated mod/plugin updates
  • Backup and Restore
    • Schedule regular backups
    • Manual backup creation
    • Restore from backups
  • Customization and Themes
    • Customizable control panel themes
    • White-label options for resellers
  • Notifications and Alerts
    • Email/SMS alerts for server events (crashes, updates)
    • In-panel notifications
  • Analytics and Reporting
    • Detailed server analytics
    • Custom reports generation
    • Usage statistics and trends
  • Community Features
    • Integrated chat system (for players/admins)
    • Forum or community board integration
  • API Access
    • Public/private API for custom integrations
    • Webhooks for real-time event handling
  • Support and Helpdesk
    • Integrated support ticket system
    • Live chat support
    • Knowledge base and FAQs
  • Multi-Language Support
    • Localization for different languages

User Experience Enhancements

Enhancement features in our control panel

Our control panel is designed with user experience in mind, offering enhancements that make server management easier and more efficient.

  • Mobile-Friendly Design
    • Responsive design for mobile and tablet users
  • User Dashboard
    • Customizable dashboard with widgets
    • Quick access to common tasks
  • Templates and Presets
    • Pre-configured server templates
    • Save and load custom presets

Scalability and Performance

Scalability of our control panel

Our control panel ensures high performance and scalability to handle servers of any size and traffic load.

  • Load Balancing
    • Load balancing support for high traffic
    • Server clustering
  • Cloud Integration
    • Integration with cloud services (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)
    • Easy server scaling

Integration and Extensibility

Extending the control panel

Our control panel supports various integrations and extensibility options, allowing users to customize their experience.

  • Third-Party Integrations
    • Integration with payment gateways for billing
    • Integration with external monitoring tools (Prometheus, Grafana)
  • Plugin and Mod Marketplace
    • In-panel marketplace for plugins and mods
    • User ratings and reviews

Development and Customization

Development and Customization

For developers, our control panel offers extensive customization options and development tools.

  • Plugin System
    • Support for third-party plugins
    • SDK for custom plugin development
  • Open API
    • Open API for developers to build custom tools and integrations